Product quality is what customers care most. To ensure that all products is of good quality, quality inspection is in needed. Since you are buying on yendiscart, it’s impossible to hire a QC at each warehouse and inspect product quality for you and the cost is rather high.

On yendiscart, you don’t have to worry about it. We offer a quality inspection service and will help you inspect the product quality on your behalf. All your products will be fully inspected before they are shipped out of our warehouse.


Premium Quality Inspection Service

Are you worried about a new product source? Wonder if a new supplier can provide you with the correct and qualified product?

Yendiscart is ready to help!

Premium Quality Inspection Service is our solution to qualify any new product or new supplier. Here are the steps:

  1. Contact us and send us the products you need, as well as your requests.
  2. Tell us if you have your own supplier, or if you need Yendiscart to help you find a new supplier with a better price.
  3. Confirm purchase price and shipping fees, and make a purchase with only product price paid.
  4. Yendiscart purchases the products, and inspects them according to your requests, e.g., weight, size, color, stability from falling, performance, etc.
  5. Yendiscart sends youpictures and videos upon inspection of products.
  6. You can decide whether the product is qualified to future sales :

a. Denied products will be refunded, but shipping fee for returning the product to supplier will be deducted.